
ID Product name, Description Q Discount Price (net of VAT) Number
pcs 59 400,00
The dimming equipment with 6 circuits for maximal load 5kW per one circuit.
pcs 55 500,00
To the equipment is possible to connect 12 circuits with the load of 1.2 kW
per circuit. Power outputs to 16-pin multiconnectors Wieland or to 230 V sockets.
Control is made with DMX 512 digital signal. It is intended for touring productions
and also for permanent installations for small theatre scenes, clubs, multi-purpose
cultural facilities, TV studios.
pcs 59 400,00
To the equipment is possible to connect 12 circuits with the load of 2.3 kW per circuit. Power outputs to 16-pin multiconnectors Wieland or to 230 V sockets. Control is made with DMX 512 digital signal. It is intended for touring productions and also for permanent installations for small theatre scenes, clubs,
multi-purpose cultural facilities, TV studios.
pcs 69 000,00
The dimming equipment for LED bulbs with 6 circuits for maximal load 700W per circuit.
pcs 109 000,00
The dimming equipment for LED bulbs with 12 circuits for maximal load 700W per circuit.
 Displayed 1-5 of 5